Sunday, May 20, 2012

July 24, 1916 in Lund, Nevada

Since the 24th of July will soon be here I wanted to share a picture of my Grandfather's float at the Lund Celebration in 1916

George C. Gardner is my Grandpa and he always furnished the wagon and team for the Sunday School Float in the Parade.  He was the teamster.  Also in the winter time when it would snow he, with his horse and scraper would make paths so the children could walk to school.   His horses names were Snip and Dick

This is another picture of Grandpa George Gardner with my mom and his Grandchildren.  They had just got out of quarantine  The parents were very ill with Scarlet Fever and my mom left her children at  home in Ely while she went to take care of Orvil and Tirza's family in McGill.  Grandpa died Dec. 12, 1942.  I was 5 years old.

Just a side note -  His father was Robert Gardner and he built the home over on Mill Creek in Salt Lake City in 1848


  1. With all the kids on the float...who was there to collect the candy??? LOL!!!

  2. Those are great pictures to learn about our family history. :)
